The office recruitment specialists

The office recruitment specialists

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Executive Assistant
Screen and answer calls, transmit messages, handling mail services, receiving VIPs

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Our Guarantees

MoneyBack - a unique service backed by the strongest guarantee in the recruitment industry.
OC leads the market in the way it attracts, retains and places its candidates; it really is our point of difference and is central to our whole philosophy. What's more, because we have the best candidates who are loyal to us and refer other candidates to us, we can be utterly confident in our ability to fulfill our customers' needs. So much so that OC offers its customers the unique OC MoneyBack Guarantee, which has been in place since 1997.

MoneyBack means, quite simply, that if a OC client is not happy with a OC temp or the OC service, then they don't pay!  That means:

No charge
No time limit
No exclusions
No conditions
No quibble
No paperwork

Our permanent guarantee is the longest and strongest in the industry: if a OC permanent placement terminates within the first 100 days and we are unable to refill your vacancy within 60 days, your entire fee is refunded.

100 day refund period
No sliding scale
The right person for the job every time or you don't pay